Saturday, 8 September 2012

Perfume Dance Cafe

Hi people! School's re-opened and I'm extremely stressed right now. Grade 12 is fine but the problem is my future university. The entrance exam is extremely hard and they are going to test on two subjects that I've never studied (economics and computer). So I have to buy the textbook and study everyting myself. It's really stressful. And I'm not sure if I can get in to the university I want. Not to mention the class fees. It's making me insane! But I have decided not to stress myself out and take things easy and slowly but seriously.

So let's stop talking about the stressful stuffs and let's start talking about something more enjoying! Like eating out! Last week on Monday, a friend of mine who's from Japan took me to eat in a cafe called "Perfume Dance". It was after school and I was on the MRT going home when I bumped in to her, so Heather didn't go :(  But it's OK 'cause we've planned to go eating there on 28th this month so yeah 8)

Anyway here are the pics of the food. I'm sorry I didn't take pictures of the whole place, I kinda forgot. So I'll be posting pics of the place from google. But first, MY pics!!! :

What my friend ordered :

Spiced beef......umm what do you call this? Crepes? 
But they're not-sweet crepes though

Strawberry tiramisu (coffee)

What I ordered :

Cinnamon apple pie (coffee. I don't know why they call it pie but it's coffee :/ )

Looks kinda pretty 8D
Delicious! Really awesome thing!!! 

Spiced beef sandwich
There's three sandwiches and they're really big and full and awesomelicious. 
I was having a hard time finishing them even though I already gave one to my friend. They're really too much for one person. Good for sharing with friends though 8D

The dipping is awesome sauce

Shared with my friend :

Honey toast

It's got squares of toast inside (like the two square toasts on top in the picture) and they're sweet but not too sweet. Eat the honey toast with the ice cream and custard and it's paradise!!! Can't wait to share this with Heather!!! (super bff :/ )

I have to admit, after eating these I'm broke (my wallet's flat now)
But it was worth it!! They're really awesome!!! 

Pics of the place and the waitresses (all rights to the respective owner of the pics) :

It's on the second floor

The place looks high class

The waitresses!!! OMG so cute!! They even got a head piece to their uniform!

The last three pics are from here (every other people's blog pics are prettier than mine. Can't help it I've only got my cell phone camera :/ ) 

That's it for this post! 
Bye! 8D

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