Yes I know I've been playing dead. But FINALLY I've dragged my lazy ass up to make a video blog! First time in my life! I've tried to make vlogs lots of times but I'm really camera shy so I never have the confidence to post it up on youtube (and there are a lot of crazy ass rude inhuman people on youtube....well all over the internet but mostly on youtube) and I always look awkward in videos and some people said that my voice is weird and that I sound like a guy and that I have huge mouth and teeth. But I've decided to screw it and just do what I want.
So here you go guys. My first ever vlog.
I was actually planning on posting this blog post on Monday but Youtube wouldn't let me upload the video. So I uploaded the video on Wednesday but when I try to post it on my blog they couldn't find the video. So finally I got my blog updated today. I'm thinking of making more vlogs like maybe just random going out with friends and take videos. But I dunno I'm not so good at this and I'm shy so we'll see.
Bye for now!
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