Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Hi guys! And sorry for not updating for sooo long. It was examination last week and the week before. And after exam I had to pack my bags and fly right away to Thailand. So there wasn't any time to blog. But now that I'm here in Thailand with nothing to do and iPad right beside me I just decided to blog! 8D Actually I got other pics and stuffs before exams to blog about but the pics are all in my cell phone so I guess will blog about them after returning from Thailand? :/
Anyway it's the first day here in my home country so we haven't gone to any fun places yet. So I guess I'll just blog about this place that me and my mom are staying at (which is our neighbor's house....our neighbor when we still lived in Thailand) And because I'm using iPad's blogger application, I got no idea how to place pics in to orders that I want and how to add captions :/ One of the flaws of this app. So I'll stop talking here and below are pics of me and my mom's part of the house that are decorated specially for us! I tell you these people are awesome! 8D